Pinegate Frequently Asked Questions
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Are there any parks near Pinegate?
Yes, Antioch Park is located next to Pinegate.
Is there shopping near by
Pinegate is located within walking distance to Merriam Grand Station shops. several grocery stores are located with in a 10min drive from Pinegate.
Is there public transportation near by?
Yes, RideKC has several stopps on Antioch road next to Pinegate.
How do I put in a work order
To put in a work order please visit and submit a ticket or contact the leasing office at 913-432-0051.
Can I send text messages to Pinegate
Yes, you can text Pinegate at 913-432-0051 during office hours. When texting after hours you will receive a response the next business day.
What school district is Pinegate in
Pinegate is in the Shawnee Mission School District.